Good Governance Africa - SADC (GGA-SADC)

News from the region

Quickly access all the latest news, articles and press releases from our centres operating in the Southern African Development Community



A GGA RESPONSE MAY 2020 CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND YOUTH FORMATION Recommendations on child and youth advocacy, ECD centres and the implementation of the proposed Department of Basic Education Response...

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A GGA RESPONSE MAY 2020 PATROLLING DURING A PANDEMIC Recommendations to the South African Police Service and South African National Defence Force during the COVID-19 deployment On 5 March, 2020, the...

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Governance Insights and Analytics (GIA)

The GIA team is the primary custodian of the Africa Digital Databank (ADD), a dynamic and integrated store of data relevant to governance. In addition to ensuring that the ADD functions optimally for our clients’ needs, we build research products such as Intelligence Reports for the private sector. For more bespoke research requirements, we offer advisory services. The team also provides data visualization support and analytics to the other research streams.


Governance Insights and Analytics (GIA)

The GIA team is the primary custodian of the Africa Digital Databank (ADD), a dynamic and integrated store of data relevant to governance. In addition to ensuring that the ADD functions optimally for our clients’ needs, we build research products such as Intelligence Reports for the private sector. For more bespoke research requirements, we offer advisory services. The team also provides data visualization support and analytics to the other research streams.

Human Security and Climate Change  (HSCC)

The HSCC team explores the nexus between violent conflict, extremisms and climate change. Climate change is the single biggest challenge of our age, exacerbating and accelerating pre-existing challenges, of which pandemics like C-19 are only one. Africa bears the brunt of the impact burden, and our HSCC team is dedicated to building policy solutions that help African countries to secure greater human security in the midst of these challenges.

Natural Resource Governance (NRG)

Africa is blessed with substantial natural resource endowments. In the absence of strong governance institutions, these resources have, with a few important exceptions, been extracted in a way that generates rents for a small elite at the expense of citizen welfare. Our NRG team is dedicated to realizing the Africa Mining Vision and championing governance initiatives in the extractive industries that will turn the resource curse into a resource blessing.

Governance Delivery and Impact (GDI)

The GDI team performs the role of monitoring and evaluating governance performance across the continent. We track elections, providing expert analysis on their credibility and whether they are free and fair. We hold governments to account through calling for transparency and sensible resource allocation for the benefit of citizens. Simultaneously, we equip civil society with high-quality content with which to exercise their voice and constrain elite abuse of power.




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