Brian Wood
Brian Wood headed Amnesty International’s arms control work, including on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) from 1995 to 2016. He helped found the International Action Network on Small Arms and has done research for various UN agencies and think tanks, including IPIS. He was the consultant to the UN Group of Governmental Experts on the illicit brokering of small arms and light weapons.
Africa and the ‘grey market’

Africa and the ‘grey market’

Transnational brokering: a complex web Businesses and criminal syndicates have both violated United Nations arms embargoes, sometimes with the collusion of corrupt state officials Arms brokering or inter-mediation is a commercial activity within the international arms...

Brian Wood
Brian Wood headed Amnesty International’s arms control work, including on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) from 1995 to 2016. He helped found the International Action Network on Small Arms and has done research for various UN agencies and think tanks, including IPIS. He was the consultant to the UN Group of Governmental Experts on the illicit brokering of small arms and light weapons.
Africa and the ‘grey market’

Africa and the ‘grey market’

Transnational brokering: a complex web Businesses and criminal syndicates have both violated United Nations arms embargoes, sometimes with the collusion of corrupt state officials Arms brokering or inter-mediation is a commercial activity within the international arms...