Why so many important constitutional amendments fail

Why so many important constitutional amendments fail

The 1999 elections ended 16 years of military dictatorship and ushered in what has thus far been Nigeria's longest period of sustained civilian rule. The 1999 Constitution was a document crafted by the military, and was in turn based on the 1979 Constitution, which...

Unlocking liquidity crucial to fuelling development

Unlocking liquidity crucial to fuelling development

There are growing concerns about Nigeria's fiscal situation. Key sources of concern are the country's dwindling revenues, soaring deficits, growing debts levels and escalating debt burden. These led the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to urge the government “to...

Public procurement in Nigeria is stuck in a quaqmire

Public procurement in Nigeria is stuck in a quaqmire

During his screening by the Nigerian Senate on 29 July 2019, Babatunde Fashola, the previous Minister of Power, Works and Housing and current Minister of Works and Housing, blamed Nigeria's Public Procurement Act for impeding the speed of the country's development. In...

Reforms and Infrastructure in Nigeria

Reforms and Infrastructure in Nigeria

Nigeria's need for fundamental and sustained economic reform is magnified by deeply worrisome key economic indices. The country's population is approaching 210 million, while real gross domestic product (GDP) growth, which was 6.2% per year at its 2014 peak, now...

Creating a Broad-Based Mortgage System

Creating a Broad-Based Mortgage System

In April 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari refused assent to the National Housing Fund (Establishment) Act of 2018 (“the new NHF Act”). The private sector decried what it described as yet another attempt to cripple the free market with a socialist intervention. While...

Reforming Nigeria’s textiles and garments industry

Reforming Nigeria’s textiles and garments industry

A major focus of policymakers in Nigeria is the quest for inclusive growth. From this perspective, stimulating growth in labour-intensive sectors with the capacity for mass job creation is a key policy objective. The textile and garment industry as whole, based on...

The puzzle of political alternation

The puzzle of political alternation

DRC: quo vadis? As Kabila fights to retain power, opposition politicians must put political differences aside in the interests of the electorate The 2006 elections marked the end of a dramatic decade in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) after two wars (1996-1997...

Why so many important constitutional amendments fail

Why so many important constitutional amendments fail

The 1999 elections ended 16 years of military dictatorship and ushered in what has thus far been Nigeria's longest period of sustained civilian rule. The 1999 Constitution was a document crafted by the military, and was in turn based on the 1979 Constitution, which...

Unlocking liquidity crucial to fuelling development

Unlocking liquidity crucial to fuelling development

There are growing concerns about Nigeria's fiscal situation. Key sources of concern are the country's dwindling revenues, soaring deficits, growing debts levels and escalating debt burden. These led the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to urge the government “to...

Public procurement in Nigeria is stuck in a quaqmire

Public procurement in Nigeria is stuck in a quaqmire

During his screening by the Nigerian Senate on 29 July 2019, Babatunde Fashola, the previous Minister of Power, Works and Housing and current Minister of Works and Housing, blamed Nigeria's Public Procurement Act for impeding the speed of the country's development. In...

Reforms and Infrastructure in Nigeria

Reforms and Infrastructure in Nigeria

Nigeria's need for fundamental and sustained economic reform is magnified by deeply worrisome key economic indices. The country's population is approaching 210 million, while real gross domestic product (GDP) growth, which was 6.2% per year at its 2014 peak, now...

Creating a Broad-Based Mortgage System

Creating a Broad-Based Mortgage System

In April 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari refused assent to the National Housing Fund (Establishment) Act of 2018 (“the new NHF Act”). The private sector decried what it described as yet another attempt to cripple the free market with a socialist intervention. While...

Reforming Nigeria’s textiles and garments industry

Reforming Nigeria’s textiles and garments industry

A major focus of policymakers in Nigeria is the quest for inclusive growth. From this perspective, stimulating growth in labour-intensive sectors with the capacity for mass job creation is a key policy objective. The textile and garment industry as whole, based on...

The puzzle of political alternation

The puzzle of political alternation

DRC: quo vadis? As Kabila fights to retain power, opposition politicians must put political differences aside in the interests of the electorate The 2006 elections marked the end of a dramatic decade in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) after two wars (1996-1997...