CASE STUDY: Mbizana, a rural South African municipality

CASE STUDY: Mbizana, a rural South African municipality

In Mbizana, informal businesses keep some afloat Last year, GGA published its first local government survey, which ranked South Africa’s 234 local and metro municipalities according to a select number of factors relating to municipal service provision, economic...

An uphill task

An uphill task

Adama Barrow astonished the world by unseating long-time autocrat Gambian Yahya Jammeh, but now faces an unenviable task of rebuilding a country left in ruin Before his rise to The Gambian presidency little was known of Adama Barrow, who was finally installed in the...

China vs the IMF

China vs the IMF

African countries find China’s loan conditions to be far less onerous than the IMF’s, and the Asian country is digging deep to fund social development and industrialisation on the continent, for a price Less than a year after launching a rail project partly funded by...

Building on local skills

Building on local skills

Chinese companies have long being accused of exploiting African labour and excluding locals from skills development, but a continental pushback might force change In a wood-panelled room on the Jinhua campus of Zhejiang Normal University, by the picture-perfect Xinyue...

Backing a rogue state

Backing a rogue state

Liberation struggle ties bind Africa to North Korea, and despite UN sanctions, the nation enjoys a reciprocal market for materiel, and more, on the continent The mere mention of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (more commonly referred to as North Korea) reminds...

Modi courts Africa’s markets

Modi courts Africa’s markets

East and Southern Africa’s sizeable Indian diaspora won’t necessarily cement the country’s ties with the continent, but careful diplomacy might In July 2016 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his first official visit to Africa. The visit was seen as a follow up...

Gung-ho diggers quitting Africa in droves

Gung-ho diggers quitting Africa in droves

The big players in Australia’s mining sector have grown wary of Africa’s regulatory requirements, but smaller miners still take chances on the continent Seen from an investment perspective, the pattern of engagement between Australia and sub-Saharan Africa has largely...

Gunboat diplomacy

Gunboat diplomacy

China’s stakes in marine bases across Africa are unsettling the world’s major and minor powers, and could force the continent’s countries to take sides African countries may face harsh choices in what could become a new Cold War. Last year China began constructing a...

Namibia’s rocky relationships

Namibia’s rocky relationships

Despite concerns around corruption and looting of environmental resources, Namibia is determined to forge stronger bonds with Eastern nations, especially China and North Korea Namibia has preached non-alignment and maintained a semblance of independence in foreign...

An uphill task

An uphill task

Adama Barrow astonished the world by unseating long-time autocrat Gambian Yahya Jammeh, but now faces an unenviable task of rebuilding a country left in ruin Before his rise to The Gambian presidency little was known of Adama Barrow, who was finally installed in the...

China vs the IMF

China vs the IMF

African countries find China’s loan conditions to be far less onerous than the IMF’s, and the Asian country is digging deep to fund social development and industrialisation on the continent, for a price Less than a year after launching a rail project partly funded by...

Building on local skills

Building on local skills

Chinese companies have long being accused of exploiting African labour and excluding locals from skills development, but a continental pushback might force change In a wood-panelled room on the Jinhua campus of Zhejiang Normal University, by the picture-perfect Xinyue...

Backing a rogue state

Backing a rogue state

Liberation struggle ties bind Africa to North Korea, and despite UN sanctions, the nation enjoys a reciprocal market for materiel, and more, on the continent The mere mention of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (more commonly referred to as North Korea) reminds...

Modi courts Africa’s markets

Modi courts Africa’s markets

East and Southern Africa’s sizeable Indian diaspora won’t necessarily cement the country’s ties with the continent, but careful diplomacy might In July 2016 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his first official visit to Africa. The visit was seen as a follow up...

Gung-ho diggers quitting Africa in droves

Gung-ho diggers quitting Africa in droves

The big players in Australia’s mining sector have grown wary of Africa’s regulatory requirements, but smaller miners still take chances on the continent Seen from an investment perspective, the pattern of engagement between Australia and sub-Saharan Africa has largely...

Gunboat diplomacy

Gunboat diplomacy

China’s stakes in marine bases across Africa are unsettling the world’s major and minor powers, and could force the continent’s countries to take sides African countries may face harsh choices in what could become a new Cold War. Last year China began constructing a...

Namibia’s rocky relationships

Namibia’s rocky relationships

Despite concerns around corruption and looting of environmental resources, Namibia is determined to forge stronger bonds with Eastern nations, especially China and North Korea Namibia has preached non-alignment and maintained a semblance of independence in foreign...