Lloyd Coutts
Lloyd Coutts has an extensive background in journalism and media spanning 36 years. He holds a Bachelor of Journalism and Media Studies (Hons) from the University of the Witwatersrand and has worked as a reporter, sub-editor, news editor, assistant editor and acting editor for publications such as Business Day, The Star, Business Report and Sunday World. Lloyd also has experience in wire services, notably the German Press Agency (dpa), and radio (Network Radio News and Classic FM). He also worked in television news at eNCA.
Statement on the passing of former apartheid president FW de Klerk

Statement on the passing of former apartheid president FW de Klerk

GGA would like to extend its condolences to the family of former State President FW de Klerk, who passed away at the age of 85 on Thursday, 11 November 2021.

De Klerk served as president of the Republic of South Africa from 1989 to 1994 before leading the apartheid government into negotiations with the exiled African National Congress in the transition to a constitutional democracy.

Gukurahundi’s grim exhumation process

Gukurahundi’s grim exhumation process

In January 1983, Zimbabwe’s ruling ZANU-PF quashed what it called dissidence by supporters of its political rival, the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU). In an operation known by a Shona term Gukurahundi (the spring rain that washes away the chaff), the...

Remembering Gukurahundi’s missing

Remembering Gukurahundi’s missing

In January 1983, Zimbabwe’s ruling ZANU-PF quashed what it called dissidence by supporters of its political rvial, the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU). In an operation known by a Shona term 'Gukurahundi' (the spring rain that washes away the chaff), the...

Reliving the horror of Gukurahundi

Reliving the horror of Gukurahundi

The Matabeleland Massacre has been the worst blot on an atrocious human rights record in Zimbabwe In January 1983, Zimbabwe’s ruling ZANU-PF quashed what it called dissidence by supporters of its political rival, the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU). In an...

Democratic space narrowing in Zimbabwe

Democratic space narrowing in Zimbabwe

Good Governance Africa Executive Director interviewed on South African satellite channel Newzroom Afrika on the situation in Zimbabwe (13 August 2020) GGA SADC Executive Director Chris Maroleng says there is no doubt that the situation in ZImbabwe has taken a terrible...

Editor’s Note: Time to silence the guns, once and for all

Editor’s Note: Time to silence the guns, once and for all

Africa has lost much to conflict since the end of the Cold War. The result has been broken economies, the destruction of infrastructure, untold deaths and millions of displaced citizens. The social toll has included poverty and the destruction of education and health...

Editor’s Note: Africa’s complex realities

Editor’s Note: Africa’s complex realities

To understand the present, one needs to understand the past. Surely this aphorism is true across cultural and other divides? As this edition on African history started taking shape, the question arose: Do those of us who seek a prosperous future for the continent have...

Lloyd Coutts
Lloyd Coutts has an extensive background in journalism and media spanning 36 years. He holds a Bachelor of Journalism and Media Studies (Hons) from the University of the Witwatersrand and has worked as a reporter, sub-editor, news editor, assistant editor and acting editor for publications such as Business Day, The Star, Business Report and Sunday World. Lloyd also has experience in wire services, notably the German Press Agency (dpa), and radio (Network Radio News and Classic FM). He also worked in television news at eNCA.
Statement on the passing of former apartheid president FW de Klerk

Statement on the passing of former apartheid president FW de Klerk

GGA would like to extend its condolences to the family of former State President FW de Klerk, who passed away at the age of 85 on Thursday, 11 November 2021.

De Klerk served as president of the Republic of South Africa from 1989 to 1994 before leading the apartheid government into negotiations with the exiled African National Congress in the transition to a constitutional democracy.

Editor’s Note: Africa’s complex realities

Editor’s Note: Africa’s complex realities

To understand the present, one needs to understand the past. Surely this aphorism is true across cultural and other divides? As this edition on African history started taking shape, the question arose: Do those of us who seek a prosperous future for the continent have...