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The Wicked Conversation

Expert analysis

Stability lies at the heart of prosperity

Stability lies at the heart of prosperity

Investors and the business community have an incentive and a responsibility to enhance local governance performance in South Africa. This is the clear conclusion in the latest intelligence report produced by Good Governance Africa. Stability is a necessary condition...

SA’s social compact has stalled

SA’s social compact has stalled

President Cyril Ramaphosa indicated in his State of the Nation Address in February that the government and its social partners had 100 days to finish a comprehensive social compact to address issues of economic growth and unemployment. Social partners, as represented...

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Election tracker

Angola election day predictions

Angola election day predictions

According to numerous political commentators, President João Lourenço’s pursuit to be re-elected on 24 August 2022 is facing increasing pressure from the main opposition leader of UNITA, Adalberto Costa Júnior, who is ahead in several opinion polls. A poll from the...

Angola pre-election day developments

Angola pre-election day developments

Election campaigns Indications are that election campaigning has remained relatively peaceful with no major incidents of violence reported. The National Youth Council launched a door-to-door voter education campaign in Luanda. This campaign helped inform and educate...

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News feed

Is terminating the Zimbabwean Exemption Permit legal?

Is terminating the Zimbabwean Exemption Permit legal?

Introduction The Minister of Home Affairs, Aaron Motsoaledi, has every right to terminate the Zimbabwean Exemption Permit (ZEP) regime, as he did on 19 November 2021. The ZEP programme was initially set up as a demonstration of goodwill by the South African government...

Addressing food insecurity as a governance issue

Addressing food insecurity as a governance issue

By the time this column goes to print, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the South African Reserve Bank will have decided on whether to again raise the repo rate or not. Pundits expect the US Federal Reserve to hike its rate by 75 basis points this week, and...

South African politics: Uncertainty prevails

South African politics: Uncertainty prevails

At the time of last year’s local government elections, it appeared we were at the end of a political age in South Africa. Since then, however, little evidence has emerged to suggest that this was, or is,  the case. It is November 2022, and the African National...

A strategy to future-proof Zambia’s mining industry

A strategy to future-proof Zambia’s mining industry

Zambia is in an opportune position to benefit from the growing demand for copper to support the global energy transition. Policymakers in President Hakainde Hichilema’s administration have an opportunity to build a resilient and high-performance Zambian economy to...

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