Ground Zero – Ameliorating Strategies for Kindergarten Education in Ghana
Sharing the vision and understanding of Ghana’s government that every child needs to be educated as part of his or her fundamental human rights, GGA-WA, from its inception, has lent its support to the education sector.
Rightly so, the centre also shares in the belief that “the beginnings of a child’s life are formative, both prior to and after she/he has enrolled in school” but most of all at the kindergarten level.
The GGA-WA stance is not to start with a very grand approach to early childhood education, which cannot be sustained by either the government across the country or by the districts themselves, but rather to adopt simple but innovative ways of delivering quality education.
Ground Zero is, therefore, a probe into existing education policies and programmes that have not been effectively implemented, mostly in public schools.
The study then adopts verifiable techniques to offer early childhood in the most effective and appealing way as an alternative to the current system used in most public kindergarten institutions.
Findings from the research compares facts and figures between public and private institutions for a better appreciation of what the current situation is, and what could be done to improve it going forward.
It is a simple study that has proved useful for the implementers of education policy, especially at the lower level, and could be a guide for the process of transforming kindergarten education in the various districts in Ghana.
The research report in itself is GGA-WA’s contribution to the country’s decentralisation agenda and will support the proper devolution of the education sector among local governments.