Expert Analysis
The Governance Performance Index – How do South Africa’s metros rank?
Much of the coverage ahead of the November 2021 South African Local Government Elections (LGEs) has focused on the state of service delivery and administration within the country's 257 municipalities. Besides the 205 local and 44 district municipalities, it is...
Humanizing Security in Cabo Delgado
Humanizing Security in Cabo Delgabo The authors of this report would like to acknowledge the bravery and courage of the men, women and children who have been caught in the most heart-wrenching circumstances in Cabo Delgado. Impoverished, homeless, destitute and facing...
Zimbabwe media policy briefing
The 2013 Zimbabwean Constitution’s well-articulated provisions for media freedom are in stark contrast to the fragility of the country’s current media landscape, 41 years after the attainment of independence. The Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) is a constitutional...
GGA’s Stuart Mbanyele on the importance of good governance within municipalities
In the run-up to South Africa’s Local Government Elections on 1 November 2021, it is apparent that municipalities are in a state of decline. Going forward, there is a need to prioritise efficient governance at this level. Watch Good Governance Africa’s Stuart...
Climate finance and COP26 – A key issue for Africa
After being postponed by a year due to COVID-19, the United Kingdom will host the long-anticipated 26th annual United Nations Global Climate Summit (COP26) in Glasgow in November. Experts agree that the window for limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees above...
New breeding swarms of desert locusts pose major threat to food security in Horn of Africa and Yemen
In 2020, East Africa experienced its worst desert locust outbreak in 25 years — in 70 years for Kenya — which put nearly 40 million people at risk of food insecurity. Now, there is a new warning of desert locust hopper bands breeding in the northeast of Ethiopia, an...
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